

Monday 18 October 2010

Blog 7_Woman whose house burned down wins $80,000 in lottery

       "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade." As cliché as it sounds, it's one of my favourite phrases. Reading about the woman whose house burnt down last month winning the lottery, I felt so happy for her. When she realized she had won $80,000, she was devastated; she believed her lottery ticket was laying in ashes in her house. Without the ticket, she cannot claim the prize. However, life has its ways and she soon realizes she had placed her ticket at her parent's place. Now she can afford to pay off her debts and even rent a new house to live in. It's new stories like this that moves me. 
       Life is never fair and not everything goes your way; we have to take life as it comes. God always surprises us with vast oceans to swim across and tall mountains to overcome, but we have to have faith in Him, knowing he would lead us on a new path, towards a new direction. God has plans for all of us.
      I am blessed with a loving family, the best friends anyone could have, a superb education, and everything I could ever ask for. Sometimes I fail a test and I grow melancholy. Sometimes I get into a fight with my mum over the most trivial things and I hate my life. Sometimes I grow so tired of studying for exams and I want to give up. The thing is, these are merely tiny obstacles in life that we cannot let defeat us.  These things are what will shape who we become in the future. We should always keep in mind that when a door closes, another window opens.


Shmikie said...

A nice personal, exploratory post!

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